Content Marketing: 8 Tips To Improve The Positioning Of Your Website

Web positioning can become a healthy obsession for any content marketing manager of a company. The numerous benefits that a strong positioning gives when it comes to raising the number of online sales are the cause. The objective of content marketing is that the brand appears among the first results of a search in an organic or natural way, that is, without the need to pay. These results are activated by indexing and crawling carried out by spiders -computer software or robots that crawl web pages-, with different objectives among the innumerable options that could solve the user’s need.

However, SEO positioning in search engines is not that simple. Google forces marketers to stay up to date with its continuous changes and updates, in order to avoid penalties and get content to move up the SERPs.

Improves natural positioning

What does the concept of organic or natural positioning refer to in content marketing? The place where a website appears among Google’s non-paid search results, and also in other search engines when the user searches for a specific keyword.

For this reason, natural positioning is one of the highest priorities for any brand. Achieving this means increased traffic in digital media, which generates more leads and more conversions.

Our 8 tips

If you have reached this point, you need to improve your natural positioning in search engines. Follow the following tips in your content marketing campaigns and start adding visits that convert.

Know your users

First of all, you must know who you are addressing, since each public consumes the information in a different way. In this regard, there are tools that help to know what users are looking for, such as Google Keyword Tool and Google Trends.

Keep in mind that your content meets needs: look for what they are, and in what ways they can be expressed, and, based on this, create specific content. In other words, find out what needs you can satisfy, how users search for them, and what competition you have to become the brand that customers want to see.

make a plan

All content must be planned. In this sense, you must have a clear and quantitatively measurable objective, a specific target audience and creative ideas. In this way, you will be able to know if you are doing it right or wrong in time and make the necessary modifications.

For example, you should plan things like:


Type of user to whom you will direct each content.

Expected conversion during the visit of the target audience, such as: providing an email, reading more posts, and following you on a social network.

blog is king

Your blog, in addition to being a powerful tool to create content that attracts Google through posts with great natural positioning, also allows you to:

Generate links. Easy-to-share content leads users to spread it —even the links —which benefits the domain as a whole. For this, the post must not only be good, it must also be a reliable and reputable source.

Create relationships, for example, by linking to third-party pages. You can then mention them on social media like Twitter so they know you’re talking about them.

Strengthen the brand. Taking care of the aesthetic aspect of the blog is key: make sure it reinforces the company’s identity, and use the sides, the header, and the footer to meet the branding objectives. Also, take care of aspects such as the color palette, images, and translations, if applicable.

Create links with other websites

Because it is important? Relationships are the best way to get quality links. Therefore, it is essential to have a large group of friends and acquaintances in the online environment.

It is also essential that you know how to generate a positive impact on the person you are addressing so that they want to follow you, connect with you, and become your friend. To achieve this, it is good to let yourself be seen at events, meetings, or meetings where bloggers and people from your niche are present.

Implement guest blogging

Guest blogging is a practice through which you participate as a guest in a foreign blog. This is another content marketing tool that helps disseminate information of interest to both users and potential customers.

Therefore, a good strategy is to look for blogs and media in which you can participate sporadically. It is essential that these media have a greater reach than your platform, or that they allow you to reach a niche that you could not get otherwise. Then reserve the best content for them.

Develop your branding

Brand management is essential in SEO because if nobody knows you, nobody will search for your brand. Do not forget that SEO traffic for terms with the brand name is also natural positioning.

Consequently, building a strong brand means that people search for you more. In addition, it makes you a reliable source, increases the click-through rate on your pages, and the possibility that users share and link to them.

After all, your audience will identify with your vision thanks to the content you share with them. Hence the importance of having a section of your blog dedicated to the history of the company, some of its anecdotes, and other information of interest to the audience.

Diversify your formats

Maintaining a diversity of formats is important, as there is no single winner: each type of target usually has one or two preferred formats. Furthermore, the same person can consume content in many ways.

For example, it is very likely that you yourself enjoy watching videos on YouTube, reading ebooks and also articles related to your profession or trade, visiting social networks, and more.

In short, varying the content presentation format allows you to reach new audiences, retain existing ones, and consolidate your strategy by discovering what works and what doesn’t. This is how natural positioning grows.

Balance quality/quantity

While quality trumps quantity, many times the content is of high quality but fails to generate enough impact. Therefore, the user does not spend too much time on it.

The style and originality of the information are still very important elements to stand out in search engines. Therefore, if necessary, do not hesitate to entrust this work to inbound marketing experts such as BullMetrix, since finding the balance between quality and quantity is what distinguishes good content.

Synchronize your strategy

Any content marketing strategy must be aligned with the company’s objectives and contribute to their achievement. In other words, the objective that is defined for the contents must help to achieve the objectives of the company.

Of the leads obtained through SEO, 14.6% actually materialize ( Hub Spot ).

In addition, in order not to have problems in terms of the quality of the content and to achieve a good engagement rate, the movement that guides the strategy must be defined. This implies attractive content related to the products or services offered by the company, with the purpose of avoiding invasive sales.

Other important points to consider are the definition of the public to whom the strategy will be directed and the social networks in that it will implement. In this framework, it is key to detail the profile of the audience or buyer person defined for the global strategy of the company and adapts it to the content. For this, aspects such as:

What do these contents have to achieve? That is, define in detail the role of content within the global strategy of the company.

What keywords are most used by the target audience in each context (discovery of the brand or product, purchase consideration, purchase, and loyalty)?


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