Several measures can help you to preserve and strengthen your memory. Memory is a well-organized system, but its performance can quickly degrade if not properly maintained. Games, study and sleep already have excellent effects against cognitive decline and memory maintenance. Diet plays an essential role in improving this fundamental brain function. Working on your memory is also a way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Here are 7 foods you can eat to improve your memory
Leafy Vegetables
The lutein found in leafy green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, various types of lettuce (lettuce), arugula, kale, or mustard helps prevent cognitive decline and improve memory. For more efficiency, the consumption must be fresh. The vitamin K and beta-carotene content in this vegetable is good for health and especially for the brain. People who consume more lutein (a beta-carotene) have better memories. This could be explained by the antioxidant effect of this pigment. Other important nutrients for brain health and memory health in particular found in green leafy vegetables include phylloquinone, nitrates, folic acid, alpha-tocopherol and kaempferol.
People who eat at least one serving of leafy green vegetables, such as a salad, a day have a lower rate of decline on memory tests than people who eat these vegetables infrequently. Nitrates, found in large amounts in arugula, increase blood flow by dilating blood vessels, which promotes oxygenation. We know that brain cells can die if they don’t get enough oxygen.
Good advice: Eat 1 green leafy salad a day (especially arugula or spinach).
Red fruits
Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries are all natural delicacies that should be favored to optimize brain performance. These red fruits are rich in anthocyanins, natural pigments that act on the brain. Their antioxidant and neuroprotective properties promote the rejuvenation of cognitive functions, thereby strengthening memory. The ideal would be to consume 2 to 3 servings of red fruit per week.
The grape in particular was the subject of a study by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). According to this research, this fruit prevents early memory loss and shows a protective effect against the breakdown of metabolism in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients. These virtues could be attributed to the polyphenols found in grapes, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These organic molecules help improve circulation and reduce oxidative stress in the brain. A Brazilian study showed that drinking 400ml of grape juice daily would improve cognitive function.
Good tip: Consume half a portion of red fruit per day.
The egg, and especially the yolk, contains lutein. It is also a food rich in choline. This enzyme produces acetylcholine, which is an essential neurotransmitter for memory. Adequate dietary intake is required to obtain this amino acid as the body is unable to synthesize it. In pregnant women, choline plays an important role in fetal brain development as it improves neural connections. Choline is also present in large amounts in wheat germ.
Good advice: Eat 1 egg a day.
Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids for the proper functioning of the brain. Fatty fish like sardines and salmon are great contributors. They’re also high in selenium, a mineral the brain needs to produce neurotransmitters. These nutrients can also be obtained by taking supplements.
Good advice: Eat fish, for example salmon, once a week.
Walnuts offer a powerhouse of brain benefits. Its high content of vegetable fats such as omega-3 (alpha-linolenic acid) promotes the membrane fluid of neuronal cells. Regular consumption of nuts and olive oil increases brain power while delaying cognitive decline. Brazil nuts are a good source of selenium.
Good advice: Eat 30g of nuts (including almonds) a day.
olive oil
Olive oil contains oleic acid and antioxidant nutrients that can delay cognitive decline and improve memory. It is also beneficial for the body, particularly the brain, as it helps provide a high-quality fat necessary for the proper functioning of the myelin sheaths, the nerve sheaths that protect neurons.
Good advice: Consume 2 to 3 tablespoons of olive oil daily, preferably cold, in salads.
Known for its stimulating effects, coffee holds many surprises as it also helps improve memory. Caffeine is said to have a protective effect against cognitive decline while boosting brain function. Many studies have already shown that moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, but also protects against strokes. Less well known than coffee, black and green tea also improve memory thanks to their antioxidant content.
Good advice: Drink 2 coffees a day, preferably in the morning, to avoid insomnia.
* Presse Santé strives to convey health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE can the information given replace the advice of a doctor.
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Diet and cognitive decline. Memory foods improve memory memory